Monday, July 30, 2012

Final Days as Miss Cobb County 2012

As I reflect back on my past year as Miss Cobb County 2012, I am amazed by all the wonderful experiences I have had, the lifelong relationships I have formed, and the many ways I have matured as an individual.  I am so thankful for the wonderful people in my life who have made this journey as Miss Cobb County an absolute dream come true.  I can remember sitting in the audience watching Miss Cobb 2010 be crowned and saying to my mom, “Even if I never win Miss Georgia, I want more than anything to be Miss Cobb County.”  Remembering that moment still gives me chills. 

The entire Cobb Board, especially my directors Gene and Charles, have supported me every step of the way.  From the moment I won they began asking, “What can we do to help you? We will do our best to make it happen.”  And they did.  They took care of every detail--from having my dream dress rush-ordered to making sure I had access to anything I needed to prepare for Miss Georgia.  I have never felt so loved and encouraged. 

When I think about all I have been blessed with this year—a $10,500 scholarship, the opportunity to meet Bobby Cox, making Top Ten at Miss Georgia where I had the wardrobe of my dreams, and list could continue for pages—I am so humbled and grateful for all I have been given.  It is definitely bitter sweet going into this last week as Miss Cobb County because it marks the end of a journey for me.  I began competing in pageants my senior year in high school.  Now going into my senior year of college, I see how far I have come in four years.  I am daily humbled by God’s grace, but to me there is nothing more humbling than looking back into the past and fully understanding how God used certain experiences and people in my life to bring me to the moment I am in right now. 

Four years ago I was a 17 year-old girl who had no idea where she was going to college, had  never competed in a pageant, and had absolutely no idea how her life was about to change over the next few years.  Today, I am a 21 year-old young woman who has held a state title, a national title, and had the opportunity to compete at Miss Georgia—twice.  I have earned over $25,000 to help pay for school, visited places like New York, the Virgin Islands, and Philadelphia, and had many more experiences that a price tag could never justify.  I don’t tell you all this to say, “Hey look what I have done.”  I tell you all of this to show you how God has worked in my life and provided me with opportunities I never expected, never dreamed possible. He has used my experiences in “pageant-land” to bring me closer to Him.  More than anything, He has taught me He is the only thing that can bring me joy.  No title, no amount of money, no beautiful evening gown, no award even comes close to the satisfaction I find in knowing I get to spend eternity in heaven because Jesus Christ is my Savior.  That has been a lesson I have learned over the last 4 years, and it has not been easy. 

So many times I thought “If I win this pageant/this award, then I will have accomplished something.”  Selfishly, I have thought, “I know God has given me the talents to accomplish my dreams, and if I don’t win it is because I didn’t work hard enough.”  I could not have been more wrong.  This past year at Miss Georgia, I went into the competition with a different mindset than ever before.  I entered the week feeling as I usually do.  I was prepared and confident in my abilities, knowing I put in the necessary preparation and had dozens of people who were cheering me on. But what made this week different was my end goal.  It was my continuous prayer that even if I did not win the title, God would be glorified through my actions that week.  I prayed constantly He would work through me to be an encouragement to other contestants and a light for Him in what can be such a dark place.
I performed that week to the best of my ability and still get butterflies when I think about my name being called out for Top Ten.  When I didn’t make Top Five, yes I was disappointed, but that is normal.  It is the same for anything in life.  When you work hard for something and invest a lot of time and energy into it and don’t get it; yes, you are going to be disappointed.  But this year greater than my disappointment was a confidence—a confidence that only comes from the Father—that I am being called to something outside of pageants.  There are no words that would adequately describe the amount of gratitude I have for the Lord providing me with all the opportunities I have had these last four years.  I firmly believe He is going to use me wherever I am to bring glory to His name, but I also feel very strongly that He has another plan for my life.  

As I write this, I cannot help but smile thinking about returning to Ole Miss, a place that has become home to me, and beginning my senior year.  I have been blessed with the most amazing friends and ministry opportunities at Ole Miss and absolutely cannot wait to see what the Lord has in store for this next year. 

I want to end by simply saying, “Thank you.”  Thank you to every person who has coached me, sent me cards or flowers or gifts, loved me, encouraged me, prayed for me, driven to see me compete, or watched from their computer screen.  To the countless people who have planted seeds of hope and encouragement along the way, to the people who left an impression on my heart and probably have no idea—I extend a sincere thank you to you all.  I am looking forward to the future and what God has in store for me next!

To Him be the glory, now and forever.

With Love and Gratitude,
Stephanie Burkholder
Miss Cobb County 2012

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