It's Your Turn to Be Great.
The Mission: "To enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens."
The Boys and Girls Club of America is a Non-profit organization that focuses on providing club programs and services to children from ages 5-18 to help them develop into well rounded people and responsible individuals. The clubs are currently focusing on promoting three goals:
1. Academic Success
2. Good Character and Citizenship
3. Healthy Lifestyles
The Boys and Girls Club provides a safe place for children to learn and grow while building relationships with responsible, caring adults. Children learn life-long lessons in the clubs such as leaderships skills, the importance of service, and character development. There are over 4,000 clubs in total present in every state in addition to military bases across the world. These club service over 4.2 million children each year and 65% of these children come from minority families.
There are many programs established by the Boys and Girls Club that address a variety of topics including health and life skills, the arts, education, sports and recreation, and even leadership and community service. Programs are also in place to address America's Education Crisis--high dropout rates. "Be Great: Graduate" is a dropout prevention programs designed to help detect the early signs of a student at risk for dropping out of school. "Be Great" refers to the overall mission of the BGCA to inspire all members to develop into caring, responsible citizens.
Every child has the potential to "Be Great." It is my mission as Miss Cobb County to work with children at my local Boys and Girls Clubs and inspire them to work to fulfill their fullest potential. I also hope to educate the public on the importance of these clubs in our communities. With only 51,000 trained professional staff members for over 4 million children, the Boys and Girls Club of America relies on the support of volunteers to keep the clubs running. This organization is making a huge impact on our youth around the globe! In its 2010 "Philanthropy 400" report, The Chronicle of Philanthropy ranked BGCA in the No. 1 position among youth organizations for the 17th consecutive year. That is definitely something to be proud of!
This organization is vital in our communities to ensure a better future for our youth. To LEARN MOREabout the "Be Great" Mission visit http://www.bgca.org/whywecare/Pages/BEGREATOverview.aspx.
If you would like to GET INVOLVED or DONATEvisit http://bgca.org/whywecare/Pages/MakeADifference.aspx .